Eastlake Interactive New Home Community Map - Eastlake
Large format Ready to Print. The client asked to create Custom Graphics showcasing their next phases of their 100 acre development that could be used online as well as throughout their development on 4'x8' and 2'x3' signage. Our goal: to create an artist rendering that would grow with the neighborhood as new phases are being developed in the next two years.
Our team coordinated developing three maps that would work seamlessly with each other to give Eastlake developers the coehesive marketing not only on their website but also throughout the neighborhood when homebuyers and REALTORS® are visiting their new home development.
The best part is yet to come! As I sit here writing this to tell you about this project our staff is working on adding photos, lot dimensions, lot amenities, and special information per each lot. And homebuyers can click onto each lot to get even more information about the lot they are interested in. I hope you come back to see what we are doing to help Eastlake communicate with their customers more.
Showcased Community Amenities:
- Lakes
- Walking paths
- Sidewalks
- Landscape and Tree lines